I recently set a goal to earn more money in the next few months.
Surprisingly, my goal didn’t fade, as it usually does after a few days.
Instead, I challenged myself to think of new ways to achieve my financial goal. All as a result of a new program that I joined.
A friend of mine recommended a program that is perfect for executing challenging goals.
The program is called 100 Day Challenge.
As of this writing, over 280,000 people went through this 100-day challenge.
100 Day Challenge promises to help you achieve your goals through a series 10-minute daily boosts, over 100 days.
You will get laser-focused and will have the motivation and strategy to get your goal done.
When you signup for 100 Day Challenge, you get:
- 100 HD Training Videos – each video keeps you focused
- 100 MP3 Audio Lessons
- Massive Action Plan
- Crash Course in Goal Setting
- Quantum Leap Strategies
Above all, signing up for this challenge will also add an element of accountability, as you’ll be joining others who also have challenging goals.
Watch videos on 100 Day Challenge website